Wills, Trusts, & Estates

Wills, Trusts, & Estates
Planning Ahead Today to Protect Your Legacy Tomorrow
When it comes to your legacy, the plans you make today are critical in preventing stress and protecting your assets for your loved ones. Make sure your estate, both personal and professional, are legally and strategically addressed now so that your wishes are taken into account later.
The counsel at Marks DiPalermo Wilson are skilled collaborators across all aspects of estate planning, allowing your assets to be addressed using a multidisciplinary approach. We work hand-in-hand with your wealth managers, tax advisors, and other professionals, listening intently and working proactively to create a solution that achieves your short- and long-term goals.
Whether it’s detailing succession plans for your business, selecting a fiduciary or guardian for minors, or drafting a power of attorney, or a last will and testament, it’s imperative that you have a knowledgeable, trustworthy team to support you and your family. Our work extends beyond the typical pro forma estate planning—we serve as your fiduciary while representing your executors, administrators, beneficiaries, and trustees throughout the probate, guardianship, and administrative processes.
We are dedicated to working with you, your family, and your advisors to provide critical resources for you—and protection for your assets and wishes.
Wills, Trusts, & Estate
Wills & Trusts
- Drafting Last Will and Testaments, healthcare proxies, powers of attorney, and living wills
- Drafting life insurance, special needs, revocable, and irrevocable trusts
Estate Planning
- Counseling on estate and succession planning for businesses to ensure a smooth transition at the time of retirement, disability, or death
- Planning ahead to minimize tax consequences by utilizing tax credits and exemptions
- Providing representation in estate tax audits on both the state and federal levels
- Counseling on asset protection and allocation
- Ensuring family members with special needs receive required government benefits with no disruption